Let them sing!

Blue skies, crumpled leaves, and blustery winds
Wrapped around the cobbled bricks of buildings intertwined.

Voices fill the spaces with earnest thought
And wide eyed curiosity hanging from the moments
Strung together through themes and provocations
Day upon day, minute upon minute.

But, on this day, voices can be heard in the heart of the connected spaces drawing us to a crowded gathering.
A unison of message and mind
Reflections on a bygone era
A chorus that captures ten decades
In the smiling faces of musical accomplishment.

For one evening we are a single voice of memory,
Performers and Audience together.
Let the song have no ending.
Look back to look forward,
As a mirror embraces the eye.
Never forget!
Love, Learn, Live, Life
Let us be thankful and embrace our becoming!